
Our Edge


The first postpartum care and women wellness medical centre

1. 全面女士健康管理服務

我們的醫療團隊量身定制個人化療程, 各項專科及疫苗接種服務,我們銳意提供最全面的女士健康管理服務, 針對女士及嬰兒出現各類不同的突發問題,故我們提倡「即時解決」及「針對性」為原則提供持續性的醫療護理服務及即時現場支援。

1. Comprehensive Women Wellness management services

We are committed to tailoring with full board of customized specialty and immunization services, which provide the best solution to different needs from our female and infant patients. We are also offering on-call duties for emergencies lactation support and sustainable online nursing care to our patients.

2. 專業團隊

我們的專業團隊包括精神科醫生, 臨床心裡學家, 泌尿科醫生, 外科醫生, 註冊脊醫, 兒科醫生, 國際認證泌乳顧問(IBCLC), 註冊營養師, 註冊助產士及註冊護士。我們的團隊會按每一位病人提的需要供最完善的一站式醫療服務。

2. Professional Team

Our specialist team includes psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, urologist, surgeon, registered chiropractor, paediatrician and lactation consultant (IBCLC), accredited practicing dietitian, registered midwife and registered nurse will provide professional healthcare services, which broadly supports and provide a one stop solution to the needs of each patient.

3. 環境及設備


3. Stress-Free and Safety Environment

We are located at the medical floor of Ocean Center has a total area of 4,000 sq. feet and is supported by over 20 staff. Featuring our cozy renovation are provided with an intimate stress-free experience. We have a stringent set of policies on procurement of medical device and our installed cold chain system and medical devices are accredited by FDA and approved by international accreditation bodies.


4. 長遠健康管理


4. Life-long relationship

Our cutting-edge online gateway provides the protocols for lifelong healthcare management. Currently, our health tracking system can empower our patients with more control over their health data, as well as facilitate lifelong health management with the use of electronic health records in follow-up health assessment and evaluation. Our medical team can monitor the health parameters such as blood glucose levels, blood pressure and more, besides, keep track of the medical history.