lactation Support
媽媽餵哺母乳時如遇到任何困難或疑惑,請立即約見國際認證泌乳顧問IBCLC (即International Board of Certified Lactation Consultant,是全球唯壹認可的母乳餵哺輔導資格,全港約有200人而當中只有5名醫生擁有此資格),盡早改善問題有助保障母嬰健康,避免延誤處理令問題持續甚至更嚴重。
One-on-one consultation and counselling run by our IBCLC (the only internationally recognized qualification in lactation support) aim to resolve your doubt and query about breastfeeding. Please do not hesitate to book in a consultation if you encounter difficulties in lactation.
Professional guidance will be provided regarding:
- 嬰兒吸吮困難,不能或不願意吸吮乳房
- 嬰兒大小便不足
- 嬰兒增重不足
- 嬰兒早產
- 嬰兒黃疸
- 孖胎餵哺疑難
- 奶量不足
- 乳頭疼痛、龜裂、損傷
- 乳房漲痛、乳腺堵塞、乳腺炎
- 乳汁帶血、帶膿
- 減少使用奶粉轉為全母乳餵哺
- 泵奶和親身餵哺的轉換
- 回歸工作後持續餵母乳的安排
- 嬰兒進食固體及戒奶
- 戒奶後重新哺乳
- Infant sucking
- Infant excretion
- Infant weight gain
- Preterm birth
- Newborn jaundice
- Twin
- Breast and nipple pain
- Breast engorgement/abscess/blocked
- duct/mastitis
- Insufficient milk supply
- Switch between formula feeding and
- breastfeeding
- Switch between breastmilk expression to direct (skin-to-skin) breastfeeding
- Continue breastfeeding when return to work
- Introduce solid food and weaning for babies
- Resume breastfeeding after weaning
Our IBCLC would get to understand the baby and mother health status and feeding situation through consultation (usually last for 1 hour). As our IBCLC finds out the root cause of the feeding problems, lactation care plan and follow-up support would be provided.
- 登記及紀錄母嬰資料
- 了解餵哺現況
- 檢查嬰兒 (發育健康、口腔、舌頭、吸吮)
- 檢查乳房及乳頭 (漲痛、外在損傷、內部腫塊)
- 觀察母乳餵哺情況
- 討論母乳餵哺問題
- 提供母乳餵哺指導及處理方法
- 提供檢查及建議報告
- 安排跟進計劃
- 如有需要,預約覆診時間
What to expect in a consultation?
- Registration and documentation of client information
- Get to know the current situation of feeding
- Health check on the infant (growth, oral, tongue, sucking)
- Assessment on the breast and nipples (pain, engorgement, wound, blocked duct)
- Observation and assessment of current
- Discussion about obstacles in breastfeeding
- Provision of professional advice on lactation
- Provision of assessment report and care plan
- Planning for evaluation and follow-ups
- Book for the next session if needed
- 1次 註冊營養師諮詢 (價值:$380)
- 1次 (10分鐘) 助產士產前電話諮詢(價值:$1,200/1小時)
- 1次 (20分鐘) 國際認證泌乳顧問(IBCLC)簡要哺乳評估(醫院或上門)(價值:$1,700/1小時)
- 3節 (45分鐘) 催乳師乳房按摩(價值:$1,080/1節)
- 1個月 一般諮詢跟進
全面哺乳支援套餐 $13,800
- 1次 1小時國際認證泌乳顧問IBCLC諮詢 (上門) (價值:$1,700)
- 2次 半小時國際認證泌乳顧問IBCLC諮詢 (到店) (價值:$1,200)
- 5節 催乳師乳房按摩 (上門)(價值:$4,000)
- 10節 催乳師乳房按摩 (到店) (價值:$8,800)
- 2次 醫生諮詢 (包括嬰兒口腔評估) (價值:$960)
- 3次 註冊營養師諮詢 (價值:$1140)
- 6個月 一般諮詢跟進